Jumpchain Wikia

Welcome to the Jumpchain Wikia

This is the wikia for Jumpchain. A community project started on 4chan's /tg/ board. You should be able to find an active thread in the /tg/ catalog or the most recent thread in the /tg/ Archive. We also have an IRC you can visit. You will find all of the jumps in the drive, though we will soon organize Jumps delegated into their specific setting. (Which means you will find "Naruto Generic Fanfiction Jumpchain" for example, linked inside the Naruto Verse page, with a portion explaining each one of the Jumps differences)

There are other Jumpchain communities, such as the Jumpchain Subreddit, which has it's own drive right here and there's the Spacebattles Threads, which you can find the latest here and the drive right here, though the QQ drive, as a NSFW drive, I will not be able to speak about it nor their jumps here unless you want this place to get a ban.

What is Jumpchain?

Jumpchain is an estranged sister to CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) game where you travel to various fictional worlds (from books, movies, tv shows, anime,video games, ect) with the aid of your Benefactor, also known as Jump-Chan by more experienced Jumpers, in exchange for providing them entertainment. The point is to have a series of adventures where you can be a character in your favorite stories, change the plot for good or ill, or simply watch from the shadows and work on your own thing. You can take on a series of pre-determined roles within the world or you can "drop-in" as you are. Everyone has their own play-style and their own paths.

Why do we play?

Everyone has their own reason for playing. Some people want to be creative and use their Chain as inspiration to write stories or make art. Some people are just bored and looking for a hobby. We are a community of people who have come together for different reasons, but we all play the same game.

How do you play jumpchain?

How you play jumpchain is up to you. Nobody else can tell you how to play. You want to be the good guy, save the world. You want to be the bad guy, kill em all. Want to stay in the shadows and influence the world in secret, go for it. One thing to keep in mind though is that Jumpchain was designed to be single-player. If you want to get a friend to try and play with you, go ahead. But if you do, we won't be able to answer some questions you may have about it, as the community is built around the single player aspect. Check out the Rules and How To Play pages.

NOTE: The guides shown here are to explain the specific universe in case the Jumper does not know the place and only wants a perk from the jump itself and while there may be suggestions on how do specific things, we have to remember the people that Jumpchain is a single-player experience

SECOND NOTE: Fanwank Responsibly.

Challenges: Sometimes people like to challenge themselves with Scenarios